Sunday 7 April 2013

week 7 computer
This class was so important for all us.Because next week, we are going to give our lab text and this test was about Ms excel and Ms word.In this week our lecturer taught us about the some other features of the MS excel which , I am going to describe below.


A spark line is a small embedded line graph that illustrates a single trend. Sparklines do not include axes or labels; context comes from the related content.

Types of Sparklines:

There are three main types of spark line such as
  • Line Sparklines
  • Column Sparklines
  • Win/Loss Sparklines

Pivot table:

In data processing, a pivot table is a data summarization tool found in data visualization programs such as spreadsheets or business intelligence software.

Reviewing and sharing Workbooks:

  • To track changes
  • Add comments
  • Compare two version of a worksheet
  • To prepare a final version for sharing including how to check spellings

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