Sunday 7 April 2013

Week 10 Computer

Submitting Assignments

Submitting your work with the Assignment tool in Blackboard allows you to easily upload your homework files to your instructor and receive files back, along with your grade. There is no need for paper or even email.You can access an Assignment in Blackboard when it’s been deployed by your instructor in a Content Area of the course. Your instructor may have an entire area in your course dedicated to all assignments, perhaps even linked on the Course menu, or assignments may be placed along with related lesson material.

Assignment InstructionsThis area is where you fill find the instructions and due date for the assignment. Read the contents of this area carefully.
Assignment Submission Text BoxYou have the option of adding plain or formatted text in this area. Just be aware of the Blackboard Inactivity Timer (see Side Note).
Attach a FileSome instructors would rather have your assignment submitted as an attachment. You will use the Browse My Computer button to find the file on your computer and upload it to the submission.
CommentsUse this box to write comments to the instructor regarding your assignment.
SubmitWhen ready, click Submit. If you are not yet ready to hand in the Assignment, you can click Save As Draft to be able to return later, work on it more, and then submit it.

Week 8 Computer
In this week our lecturer taught us about the presentation skills on MS power point.That was the most important lecture was us.We learnt alot during this week that might be useful in future.Now its time to share my understanding with my blog.So,At first we learnt what is actually Ms power point.

Introduction of MS PowerPoint:

Compare Microsoft PowerPoint is a software product used to perform computer-based presentations. There are various circumstances in which a presentation is made: teaching a class, introducing a product to sell, explaining an organizational structure, etc.

Applying Themes In power point:

We can change the size,color themes in power point.In power point these all features are so important to make the presentation professional. 

Inserting an images:

In power point we can insert to make it more creative.

Screenshots in slides:

A screen dump, screen capture (or screen-cap), screenshot (or screen shot), screen grab (or screen grab), or print screen is an image taken by the computer user to record the visible items displayed on the monitor, television, or another visual output device


You can apply different transition to some or all of your slides to give your presentation a polished,professional look.There are three categories of unique transitions to choose from,all of which can be found on the transitions tab.'

Word art and shapes:

There are many features and commands that can use in power point to create visually appealing slides.
Two of these features are word art and shapes.

Word art:

Allows the user to create stylized text with effect such as textures, shadows,outline and more.It can be applied to text on any slide.The user can also insert a variety of shapes such as rectangles,circles,lines,arrows and starts.

Formatting image:

In PowerPoint  to change the font style,size color and for everything we use this feature to modify the text.

week 7 computer
This class was so important for all us.Because next week, we are going to give our lab text and this test was about Ms excel and Ms word.In this week our lecturer taught us about the some other features of the MS excel which , I am going to describe below.


A spark line is a small embedded line graph that illustrates a single trend. Sparklines do not include axes or labels; context comes from the related content.

Types of Sparklines:

There are three main types of spark line such as
  • Line Sparklines
  • Column Sparklines
  • Win/Loss Sparklines

Pivot table:

In data processing, a pivot table is a data summarization tool found in data visualization programs such as spreadsheets or business intelligence software.

Reviewing and sharing Workbooks:

  • To track changes
  • Add comments
  • Compare two version of a worksheet
  • To prepare a final version for sharing including how to check spellings

Friday 5 April 2013

Week 6 computer

Document window


Mini Toolbar

Quick Access Toolbar

Key Tips

Basic Text Operations

The basic of working with text includes seven components
  1. Insert
  2. Delete
  3. copy, cut and past text
  4. Drag and drop text
  5. Find and replace text
  6. Save
  7. Printing

Reflection about topic

Microsoft Word is basic daily used software it helps to write different documents it is being used by most of the people in offices in universities and even home users use it. It was very good to know about this topic we also had lab test regarding this topic it was to make posters we learn about different tools which are available in Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word 

Week 5 computer

History of Windows OS

  • Microsoft released a number of windows operating system ranging from windows xx, NT, server from 1985 till now. The latest is windows 8 released in 2012. Windows 9 is not yet released.
  • if you are interested to know the history of windows OS please visit.
Please click here

Windows 7 Aims

  • Decrease start up and shutdown times by 20 seconds
  • Go to sleep and resume faster
  • use up less memory
  • pop up search results faster
  • Reconnect to your wireless network more quickly
  • Recognize USB devices faster

Improvements from XP only

  • New start icon
  • Aero snap, shake and peek
  • Desktop icon accessed through start icon
  • Large icon and hidden icons in taskbar
  • Jump lists for easier access
  • A search bar in start up menu
  • Faster and smoother gaming components
  • Parental controls for monitoring computer use
  • updates feature that eliminates web surfing for patches

Anatomy of Windows 7

  • Aero view
  • Taskbar
  • Search
  • Libraries
  • Gadgets

Reflection about topic

Windows provides us a plate form to communicate with computer it provides us different options and icons to make it easy to communicate with computer now a days the latest is windows 8 which is available in the market the other windows which are commonly in use are windows 7 and XP as well.

    week 4 computer

    Network Components

    Major components of a computer network:
    • communication media
    • Interconnecting Devices
    • Computers
    • Networking Software
    • Applications

    Types of Network

    LAN- Local Area Network

    A network of computers that are in the same physical location, or that spans a small area such as a building or an office. Software applications and other resources are stored on a file server. Print server enable multiple users to share the same printer.

    WAN- Wide Area Network

    A network that spans a wide geographical area, there are several types of WANS
    • Metropolitan area network(MAN)
    • public access network (PAN)
    • Value added network (VAN)
    • Virtual private network (VPN)

    My Reflection about topic

    Networking is very important for us now a days because it is being used in all offices, univerties and labs its is method to connect one computer to other so it is an important application of modern sciences it was such an interesting topic to know about the computer network. 

      week 3 computer

      • A set of words, abbreviations and symbols that enables a programmer to communicate instructions to computer.
      • A tool to write or create programs.
      • A language for a programmer to communicate with a computer

      Types of Programming Language

      Low-Level Language:

      • A machine-dependent language
      • Tedious and time-consuming
      • Each instruction represents a single machine instructions

      High-Level Language

      • Machine-independent language
      • More user-friendly
      • Each instruction represents several machine instructions

      Program Development process

      My Reflection About topic

      Computer can't understand our language directly we need to covert our language to computer understandable language in this class we study about the languages of computer and how to make it work. To make him understand what to do.